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The ‘creative tension’: a guiding light
Media clippings
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Project updates
Nora Wilhelm
Media clippings,
Project updates
Nora Wilhelm
Funding for systems change: From theory to practice
Speeches & podia,
Project updates
Nora Wilhelm
Speeches & podia,
Project updates
Nora Wilhelm
Paradigmenwechsel in der Förderung
Media clippings,
Project updates
Nora Wilhelm
Media clippings,
Project updates
Nora Wilhelm
Accelerating funding for systems change
Work portfolio,
Project updates,
Design & Facilitation
Nora Wilhelm
Work portfolio,
Project updates,
Design & Facilitation
Nora Wilhelm
Weaving women communities in Zurich
Nora Wilhelm facilitated a workshop co-hosted by WeSpace and collaboratio helvetica for women communities in Zurich to exchange knowledge and explore collaboration opportunities.
Project updates,
Awards & honours
Nora Wilhelm
Project updates,
Awards & honours
Nora Wilhelm
10th UNESCO Youth Summit
It was an honour to be a part of the 10th UNESCO Youth Summit.